Twitterers meet at Bangkok coffee shop

October 26th, 2009

Twitter and Coffee go together

I saw at story at Asia One News about a popular meet up location in Bangkok for people who are crazy about Twitter. I’m sure this stuff is going on a lot of places, combining online social networking with offline. This one happens to be more local to me.

The story says that:

“Tweeple (Tweet people) gather at the shop to make friends, get updates and show off their musical talent – or find job openings.”

They say that over 100 people meet on Sundays at the Wawee coffee shop in Soi Aree. I have never been there. Must be a big place to handle that many people.

BTW, is that not the greatest Twitter button yet? You know how I love coffee.


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11 Responses to “Twitterers meet at Bangkok coffee shop”

  1. Gio Says:

    Twitter and coffee?! What more could one ask for?! :)

  2. John Says:

    Now, when the Tweeple meet, do they actually talk to one another or do they simply tweet one another? Or do they tweet about meeting without actually meeting?

  3. AsianSweetheart Says:

    Seems complicated.

  4. Vasha Says:

    What coffee’s are available in Thailand? Anything different or is it cheaper?

  5. AsianSweetheart Says:

    Most of the coffee you get is pretty bad. There are a few very good coffees that come from the north of Thailand but it seems like they all exported. I have read about them but could never find them. There is, of course, Starbucks and their coffee is much better than many of the local coffee shops.

  6. William Says:

    Yeah, I have the same problem. Finding a place that makes coffee the way I like it. Even Starbucks. I like my coffee sweet and light. I go to Starbucks, and have to ask for more milk or cream, until they think I’m crazy. And I don’t like white sugar, I like that yellow sugar cane sugar, which is hard to find in a coffee shop. So I normally drink my coffee at home.

  7. John Says:

    What? Starbucks?
    I used to get the most marvelous iced coffee at the first Thai restaurant in Boston – strong coffee, cinnamon flavor, lots of sweetened condensed milk, ice – great. I always assumed it was more or less authentic. Not, eh?

  8. Martin Says:

    You should join us at the monthly Bangkok TweetUps :) It’s all for charity too, so can have a few drinks and feel good about yourself too


  9. AsianSweetheart Says:

    Looks like fun. If I am in Bangkok when one of those happens I’ll try to join.

  10. Martin Says:

    Next Tweetup in Bangkok is on 4th December if your about then

  11. Martin Says:

    They just announced the Bangkok TweetUp venue now, gonna be held at the LubD hostel on Silom again, same as last month, checkout the website for more details

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