Now Nanny is the hot one

March 4th, 2010

Nanny of Girly Berry now the hot one

It used to be that Gybzy was always the hot one of the girl group Girly Berry. She would get all the attention on TV shows and got photo gigs in magazines like FHM. But it looks like Nanny is making some competition and with this set of photos in In magazine might have established herself as the hot one.Girly Berry Nanny hot pick bikini

Actually Nanny was always pretty cute. Remember when Girly Berry tried to create a fake scandal with those purposely leaked topless photos? Nanny looked perfectly natural in just a towel.

Nanny hot in black bikini

Those are some cool shoes, go great with the black bikini (?).  And how about that hat, pretty cute.

Nanny of Girly Berry in bikini and cute hat


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7 Responses to “Now Nanny is the hot one”

  1. William Says:

    Yessss.. I would have to vote and say she is “The Hot One”.

  2. William Says:

    Her feet aren’t very pretty, but who’s looking at her feet?

  3. AsianSweetheart Says:

    Some people like feet.

  4. John Says:

    The caged “sandals” just don’t work with the bikini. She is quite cute, though.

  5. retuRN RANT Says:

    All good until the last photo. I like feet – but not Nanny’s. Unfortunately she appears to be gripping the edge of the bed with her feet, which makes them look like a vulture’s talons. Not so great. However, with the black boots and black bikini, they look just fine – gladiator shoes have grown on me since they came into fashion last year – but they can sometimes look awful if the colours don’t match the outfit.

  6. PinkSamantha Says:

    Finally! Me and my friends were talking about her since two weeks ago. And I think this is probably the only IN edition I keep in my bed. XD

    But where’s the cover shoot? If you bought (or at least see/read the magazine) you’ll see the cover is hot. And also the ones where Nanny was lying on the beach wearing blue bikini. That’s definitely sexy! I love her expression! It makes me always having a fantasy about me and Nanny doing……

    Oh, I’m getting out of control, forget it! XD
    My gf would kill me if she read this. XD

  7. Gio Says:

    The hot one, indeed!

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