Behind the scenes video has some suprise peeks

January 10th, 2012

Cute magazine behind the scenes video

Cute magazine always has shots of their models that are barely covered so you might imagine a behind the scenes video of their photo shoots might have some peek-a-boo moments. And as this video shows, that is true.

There are just a couple little suprise peeks but they are kind of fun.


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6 Responses to “Behind the scenes video has some suprise peeks”

  1. John Says:

    ow! Do I feel old!

  2. AsianSweetheart Says:

    I thought looking at cute young girls made men feel young!

  3. Johnnie Says:

    What a lousy soundtrack.

  4. AsianSweetheart Says:

    I muted it :)

  5. Luke Says:

    It makes me feel something, I don’t know if it is young though.

  6. Mat Says:

    A nice video. Wish it was in HD. I know how John feel. It just makes me wish I was younger. I muted the sound track too.

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