Exotic Nikki



Mammy Natt

Sweet Asian Babe


Horny Samantha


Jane Chuy

Weird and entertaining comment spam

August 21st, 2010

Weird spam

I get lots of comment spam and it’s all captured by Akismet. What a great plugin. I look at spam comments once in a while. Most of it is really stupid junk but some of it is sort of fun. Here are few recent favorites. (more…)

Filed Under: Tech & Blogging

Not stolen content

May 29th, 2010

In my last post when I said stolen content I did not mean where my posts have been syndicated on readers’ Facebook or Twitter accounts. That is great and I’m sorry to those readers if my last post looked bad on your Facebook and Twitter pages.

I am only talking about a certain bad person who is taking my entire posts and mixing them in with adult content and surrounding them with advertising. Unless the page you are looking at looks like that it is not stolen content.

Back to the regular program shortly!

Filed Under: Tech & Blogging

Stolen content

May 29th, 2010

If you are reading this post on a website that isn’t asiansweetheart.net then it is stolen content.

I don’t mean in a feed reader or on your Yahoo home page or if you have syndicated my posts on your Facebook or Twitter accounts. That is of course fine. I mean at another website that is stealing my posts and republishing them without permission mixed in with adult content. It shouldn’t last for much longer once the complaints get processed.

Filed Under: Tech & Blogging

Pretty Asian in Lightbox

March 16th, 2010

Click for the big pic

Nothing very important about this post except that I am playing with something new to me called Lightbox. (more…)

Filed Under: Tech & Blogging

My FTC compliance statement

December 4th, 2009

Some friends emailed me stories about some new law in the U.S. that comes from the FTC. It says bloggers have to have a statement whenever they blog about something that they received for free. I guess every blogger has to have some kind of statement about this on their blog. So here’s mine:

Nobody ever gives me free stuff to blog about. Hey! How come? I want free stuff, too!

So does that satisfy the FTC? I never get any free stuff. And I’m feeling pretty noi jai about that after reading how many other bloggers DO get free stuff. (more…)

Filed Under: Tech & Blogging

Typhoon Ketsana is here

October 1st, 2009
I've been very busy offline lately so haven't had a chance to post. And today typhoon Ketsana is in Thailand. I was worried that it would be very bad in my area. But so far it is just medium rain and no wind. So hopefully it stays that way and then moves on. My backlog for posting is so big now I am just going to throw out the queue and start fresh. Maybe I will catch up one day 'cuz you don't want to miss some of the juicy stuff that has been circulating lately. More later...