








More of Jeet from Volume magazine

May 7th, 2010

Jeed Volume 1

I normally wouldn’t post pix of male models but I thought about it and decided my policy should be to only post them when they include photos of a hot female model. So I’m posting a few of the shots from Volume magazine with busty Thai model Jeet Saengthong. (more…)

Filed Under: Stars & Models

Jeet bare on the cover of Volume

May 3rd, 2010

Jeed Volume Cover

She keeps herself covered, too well I think, because Jeet Saengthong has the impressive figure we all want to see more of. (more…)

Filed Under: Stars & Models

Jeet and her unstoppable chest on the catwalk

March 15th, 2010

Jeed Saengthong on the catwalk

I am not obsessed with Jeet’s chest. You might think I am because I keep posting about her big bust and her public appearances, or because we have sort of a long discussion going in the comments about breast implants. No, it’s just that it is newsworthy to post about her and her chest. (more…)

Filed Under: Stars & Models

Jeet with the chest that still won’t quit

March 11th, 2010

Jeed Saengthong in Image

Hehe, I always called Jeet the girl with the chest that won’t quit. Where did I learn that  saying? I think it was a girlfriend of mine in America. She was young and cute and as I learned after a while she was really into girls. (more…)

Filed Under: Stars & Models

Nuch Niranath for Blackberry Curve 8520

January 22nd, 2010

Nuch Niranath for BlackBerry White

Did any readers make it to the party last month they called “White Arrival: Something White Worth Waiting For”? It was a promotion by DTAC and Blackberry introducing something they called a Blackberry white which is a white Blackberry Curve 8520. That’s pretty cool. (more…)

Filed Under: Events

Bad boy of Thai erotica

September 15th, 2009

Niwat Kongpien with Jeet Saengthong

I was out shopping today and stopped to have a latte and read the Bangkok Post. There was an article about Niwat Kongpien whom they call the bad boy of Thai erotica. That’s a photo of him with two of his “favorite ladies” – on the right is Jeet Saengthong whom you may recall is the Thai model with the chest that won’t quit. (more…)

Filed Under: Uncategorized

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